Asset Management One Alternative Investments (AMOAI) connects the capital of Japanese investors to global infrastructure markets

This month we shine the spotlight on an infrastructure debt fund launched by one of our Japanese clients, Asset Management One Alternative Investments Ltd. (AMOAI).
In January 2021 AMOAI launched their third Global Infrastructure Debt Fund, the Cosmic Blue PF Magnolia FCP-RAIF debt fund. The fund currently has a committed amount of 30 billion yen and connects the capital of Japanese investors to global infrastructure markets. Specifically, the fund provides finance to infrastructure projects designed to support the sustainable growth of host countries and local communities, whilst providing long-term stable returns to institutional investors.
An Award-Winning Approach
Managing a globally diversified portfolio investing in global project finance debt, the Cosmic Blue PF Magnolia Fund also incorporates an optional vehicle that invests in infrastructure mezzanine debt, making the product design better fit the preferences of a wider range of investors. AMOAI plans to increase the Fund’s assets under management to around 100 billion yen, the highest scale in the world for infrastructure debt, by widening the investor base to include not only Japanese but also overseas investors. The fund follows on from the success of AMOAI’s award-winning infrastructure debt funds, the Cosmic Blue PF Lotus FCP-RAIF launched in 2018, and Cosmic Blue PF Trust Lily launched in 2016. AMOAI has achieved to receive commitment amounts of over 100 billion yen across its funds.
Recognising The Importance of ESG
AMOAI’s infrastructure debt funds contain a globally diverse and high-quality portfolio focusing on investments in infrastructure projects deemed essential on a national, regional, or societal level. AMOAI also recognises and values the importance of ESG perspectives in its investments. For each investment, AMOAI not only conducts negative screening, including compliance with the Equator Principles, but also evaluates the positive impact of its investments in accordance with the SDG framework. Both Cosmic Blue PF Magnolia Fund and Cosmic Blue PF Lotus Fund have been categorized as Article 8 funds under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Requirement.
Learn More
If you would like to find out more please visit Asset Management One Alternative Investments Ltd. (
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