Carne wins six Transform Awards, including three golds

We’re proud to announce that our brand, launched last March in collaboration with Clout Branding, won six Transform Branding Awards on Wednesday evening at a ceremony in central London. The prestigious event attracts entries from major agencies and brands from around the world, and other winners on the night included world famous names such as Kellogg’s, Starbucks, Diageo, FIFA and Renault. The awards are judged by independent business leaders and brand experts.
Six employees from Carne and four from Clout took to the stage a total of six times. We won gold for our brand architecture, being the best brand development to reflect change, and the best implementation. We also won silver for best creative strategy.
“Key to the success of this project has been the sense of togetherness between Carne and Clout,” said our Chief Business Development Officer, Mark Stockley. “For us, Clout have felt like an integral part of the team since the very start. It’s an extraordinary working relationship that has started strong and has just got stronger, and I think we have a common sense of appreciation of the importance of thoroughness, thought and attention to detail. I felt we would do well on the evening because of the response we’ve had from clients since the launch, which has been overwhelmingly positive.”
Clout founder and Creative Director Mike Smith said “Carne did something not as common as it should be in branding, they allowed us time to gain a thorough understanding of a complex industry. Without that foundation it would have been difficult to deliver the simplicity they were seeking.” “The trust shown has allowed us to build something that captures Carne’s extraordinary vision for the industry,” added brand strategist and writer Scott Perry. “It’s always exciting to work on a challenge of this scale, and thrilling to see the creative work starting to have its intended effect.”
“The depth of thought and creativity Clout have shown has been inspiring,” said Carne’s Head of Marketing Eoin Sheahan. “Their ability to get to the essence of what really matters is like nothing I’ve seen in nearly 20 years in the industry.”
“This is one of my favourite examples of a dynamic brand,” said one of the judges. “It is stunning and beautiful, simple yet elegant, playful yet serious, focused yet scalable.” “This is a classy and well-executed rebrand,” said another. “Excellently repositioned,” said a third. “This has simplified the brand’s universe.”
- Gold for Best brand development to reflect a changed mission, values or positioning
- Gold for Best brand architecture solution
- Gold for Best implementation of a brand development project
- Silver for Best creative Strategy
- Silver for Best visual identity in the financial services sector
- Bronze for Best use of a visual property
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