John Herlihy speaking at the Irish Funds annual conference 2021
19th – 20th May 2021

The Irish Funds Annual Conference 2021 took place over two days on the 19th and 20th of May as a fully interactive online event. This year’s conference theme was Accelerated Transformation – Disruption and Opportunity and covered the industry’s key topics featuring global opinion leaders via discussion panels and keynote presentations.
We were delighted to sponsor the event and have Carne’s Chair, John Herlihy, alongside Harvard University’s Dr Mark Esposito, addressing the people aspect of driving digital transformation in the fireside chat “Humanising Transformation”, moderated by Olwyn Alexander, PwC.
In a forty-minute discussion, John and Mark highlighted the importance of creating a culture that embraces change by leveraging leadership trust and delivering value to all stakeholders.
“The Fourth Industrial Revolution is happening now, not in the future. You can have the best technology in the world, but it’s never enough to transform. You need to have your people aligned and engaged: they are essential in delivering massive change, leading to true digital transformation”.
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