If you would like to discuss any of the areas covered in the webinar in more detail, please contact your Carne Relationship Manager or a member of the Carne team below.
What opportunities does the new ILP create?
22nd April 2021

We had a fantastic response to our recent Investment Limited Partnership (ILP) webinar, with more than 320 registering to tune in to the views of our panel of industry experts.
The webinar was hosted by Nicola Cowman, Director of Carne Group, with panellist speakers Des Fullam, Group Chief Product & Regulatory Officer, Carne Group, Nicholas Blake-Knox, Partner, Walkers Ireland LLP and Jeffrey Dorigan, Senior Vice President, Brown Brothers Harriman.
The panellists discussed the opportunities afforded by the much anticipated launch of the ILP regime, comparing the Irish ILP structure to the Delaware Onshore Funds structure and Cayman Limited Partnership structure and outlining distinctions between Ireland and Luxembourg from a European fund domicile perspective. The webinar also covered how the ILP can complement the existing range of private funds in Europe and provided insights into how managers are marketing their funds in the EU in a post Brexit environment.
Webinar Poll Results
Des Fullam
Group Chief Product & Regulatory Officer
+353 1 489 6805
Nicola Cowman
+1 347 410 0927
Further information about the new ILP regime is available in our Revised Irish Investment Limited Partnership Rules www.carnegroup.com/long-awaited-irish-investment-limited-partnership-rules-reach-finishing-line
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