Carne GatherRound

Last week saw the inauguration of GatherRound, our take on a golf day in which the central theme was bringing people together. Beginners gathered round a pro to learn the basics, players gathered round their team’s next shot in the scramble competition, and more still joined us later to gather round the barbeque for an evening of fun.
With such a positive response – 30 beginners and 23 teams of four for the scramble competition – we eyed a grim weather forecast nervously, but thankfully the rain stayed away, and we even finished under blue skies. The beginners received a small talk from the pro and then split into two groups to learn driving on the range and putting. The faces on people in the photos of the putting competition – won by Stacey McDermott’s team of Carmel Jordan, Niamh Lynch and Caitriona Cole – tell their own story!
A ‘scramble’ format means a team picks the best shot of all four players for its next shot, which all four then take from the same place. It’s a great way to play, since everyone stays together. Everyone’s drives must be used at least twice, so tactics come into play and the whole team is included. The winners were Natasha Haugh’s four-ball, spurred on by the combined talents of Damien McAree, Dan Herlihy and Kerill O’Shaughnessy.
We’re particularly happy that over 40% of GatherRound’s participants were women, and from our inbox over the last few days it does seem that the central theme of inclusion and togetherness has really hit home. Such was the enthusiasm for the ‘Welcome to golf’ element, we’re looking into extending it to sessions through the year, so please do get in touch if you’re interested.
Some of the letters we’ve received have been quite humbling, and we’re going to share a few excerpts here, not to beat our own drum, but in the spirit of encouraging others, because if you thought that an event like this was not for you, they might make you think again!
“As someone who is slightly allergic to golf days,” said one, “I was really impressed by the inclusive nature of the day. The relaxed atmosphere almost makes me think that I could even brave the scramble next year!” Another wrote: “I absolutely love what you guys represent and how you come together as one. You should be so proud of having such an amazing culture and a fantastic business.” “I am not just saying this to be nice,” said a third, “But it was the most enjoyable golf event I have been to. Loved the format and the theme of inclusiveness. Bravo!”
It’s amazing what a little unity can achieve! Thank you to everyone who came and to our hosts, Luttrellstown Castle Golf Club. GatherRound will take place again next year – we’ll let you know as soon as the date is confirmed. Hope to see you there!
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